Maintenance Announcer
Minecraft server maintenance notifications made easier.
What is Maintenance Announcer?
Maintenance Announcer is a lightweight Bukkit Minecraft server plugin that makes it easy to tell players on your server that maintenance is happening.
Ready to announce maintenance?
Current Version: 6.0.1
Wanna make sure it's safe? That's ok! All the source code is available on GitHub.
Broadcast to all players that server maintenance has started. Easily.
With a simple command, send broadcasts that maintenance has started or has ended to all players logged on.
Tell players of maintenance when they join.
By default, players will get a message on server join if the server is currently under maintenance. This lets every player know to expect lag or server restarts.
Customize just about everything.
Change plugin settings to best work with your Minecraft server. Many of the Maintenance messages can also be customized.
Don't want everyone to see the maintenance broadcasts? Tell only admins about server maintenance.
Announce server maintenance to server admins only when everyone on the server doesn't need to know about the maintenance.
More Information
Other Notable Features
Works with permission systems!
Minecraft Server that supports Bukkit Plugins.
Go to your "plugins" folder on your Bukkit/Spigot Minecraft Server, then add the "Maintenance Announcer 6.0.1.jar" to the folder. It's that easy!
Supported Minecraft Servers
Plugin Commands
Command: /maintenance start or /maintenance begin
Sends a broadcast to everybody on the server that maintenance has started.
Permission: hjw.maintenanceannouncer.start
Command: /maintenance admin start or /maintenance begin
Sends a broadcast to admins only on the server that maintenance has started.
Permission : hjw.maintenanceannouncer.adminstart
Command: /maintenance
Responds back to the player if the server is currently undergoing maintenance. (Will also show admin only maintenance if the player has permission to see admin only maintenance.)
Permission : hjw.maintenanceannouncer.see
Command: /maintenance end or /maintenance stop
Sends a broadcast to everybody on the server that maintenance has ended.
Permission: hjw.maintenanceannouncer.end
Command: /maintenance admin end or /maintenance admin stop
Sends a broadcast to admins only on the server that maintenance has ended.
Permission : hjw.maintenanceannouncer.adminend
Command: /maintenance admin
Responds back to an admin if the server is currently undergoing maintenance.
Permission : hjw.maintenanceannouncer.adminsee
Command: /maintenance reload
Reloads the config file for Maintenance Announcer.
Permission : hjw.maintenanceannouncer.reload
Need Help with Anything?
That's ok! Articles on how to preform certain commands and how they work are listed below. Click to learn!
© 2016 - 2022 Hayden Watson.
Maintenance Announcer is available under the MIT license.